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Oncology is the branch of medical science dealing with treatment of cancer. Memorial Hospital currently offers the following Oncology clinic at our Aurora facility:

Nebraska CANCER Specialists

Dr. Ryan Ramaekers and Jami Kezeor, APRN, Fourth Thursday


Below is a list of some of the services that our oncologists can provide. This is not an all-inclusive list and you should call to inquire about specific services.

  • Diagnostic services including laboratory, imaging and bone marrow studies.
  • Treatment including chemotherapy, blood and platelet infusion therapy.
  • Anemia Management
  • Radiation Therapy is provided and managed by Dr. Ramaekers at their Grand Island location.

For more information on oncology clinic dates or to schedule an appointment, call the MCHI scheduling office at 402-694-8274. 

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Scheduling Office



It’s so great that specialists come to our local hospital for procedures and consultations every week.